Downtown Pensacola | 850-320-8468

Window Tinting
Window Tinting and Film
Window Film Medical Waiver

Window Film Medical Exemption

In Florida, a window film medical exemption is a document that allows individuals with certain medical conditions to have window tinting on their vehicles that does not comply with the state’s standard regulations. Florida law allows individuals with medical conditions that require protection from the sun’s UV rays to apply for a medical exemption certificate […]

Finding the Best Window Tinter in Pensacola, FL

Finding the “Best” Window Tinter in Pensacola, FL

Finding the “best” window tinter in Pensacola, FL, can be a subjective matter, as it depends on your specific preferences and needs. To find a skilled and reputable window tinting professional in Pensacola, you can consider the following steps: 1. Ask for Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have had their windows […]

Car Window Film Demo

Car Window Film Demo

Hüper Optik Car Window Film will exceed your expectations with its superior performance, durability, and quality. In addition to improving the overall comfort of driving your vehicle, it offers fade control and extends the life of your vehicle’s interior. By cutting out excessive glare to the eyes and cancer-causing rays to the skin, occupants are protected from the sun’s harmful […]

Window Film and Tint Care in Pensacola

Window Film and Tint Care

Window Film and Tint Care Film Dry-out Time: The mounting solution used during the installation of your Solar Gard window film may require a dry-out time. Cold or non-sunny weather conditions can lengthen the dry-out time, while warm weather and direct sun light exposure will shorten the dryout time. Small water beads and a slightly […]

Solar Gard window film in Pensacola by Glass Wrap Window Tinting

Choose Solar Gard® Window Film to Protect You and Your Car

The top seven reasons that most people choose Solar Gard® window film to protect themselves and their car. There are many reasons to tint your vehicle, including protection from harmful rays, safety and privacy. Window film can even help protect the investment in your car. Listed below are the top seven reasons that most people choose Solar Gard window film […]

  • Glass Wrap,
  • July 16, 2014
2015 Volvo V60 Wagon Window Tinting

2015 Volvo V60 Wagon Window Tinting

2015 Volvo V60 Wagon Window Tinting Vehicle: 2015 Volvo V60 Wagon Application: Solar Gard Galaxie Window Tinting 30%F / 20%R #glasswrap #windowtinting #pensacola #solargard #volvo  

2015 Volvo V60 Wagon Window Tinting